Peace Corps of Nigeria: The president is planning to assent to the peace corp bill, which will allow PCN to become a full-blown paramilitary organisation, which will enjoy the Consolidated Paramilitary Salary Structure (CONPASS

Peace Corps of Nigerian Ranks

Peace Corps of Nigeria (PCN) was formed to maintain peace and social order in Nigeria.

Peace Corps motto “Discipline and Patriotic Services” indicates that the organization was founded in other to foster national creativity, unity, peace, youth development and re-orientation. It also has a different salary structure. Peace corp members are not paid the same salary with Nigeria military forces — airforce, navy or army. The peace corp of Nigeria source most of their funds from government grants, aids from local and international agencies and donations from private businesses.

As the president is planning to assent to the peace corp bill, which will allow the Peace Corp of Nigeria to become a full-blown paramilitary organisation, which will enjoy the Consolidated Paramilitary Salary Structure (CONPASS). Other agencies in Nigeria that earn through the consolidated paramilitary structure are the Nigerian customs service, Nigerian Immigration Service, National security and civil defence corps etc.

It will interest you to know that the Peace Corps of Nigeria was founded by Dickson Akoh to promote the creativity of the Nigerian youths and imbibe them in the attitude of unity and peace. The motto of the Peace Corps of Nigeria is Discipline and Patriotic Services.

The Peace Corps of Nigeria ranking structure is quite similar to that of the Nigerian immigration service. The highest-ranking position is commandant-general. Next in rank is the Deputy Commandant General (DCGs), and then Assistant Commandant-General.

Peace Corps of Nigeria Aims and Objectives

Below are some of the objectives of the Nigeria Peace Corps as found on their website:

a. To enlist, mobilise, train, orientate and provide gainful employment for the youths in order to develop them as supporting agents of social order, by providing a second line of public safety;

b. To serve as a think-tank and engage in educating residents of every community on security and safety measures peculiar to their neighbourhood;

c. To uphold bottom-up surveillance through monitoring and observation and to detect, collate, analyse and transmit intelligence data on matters that may likely cause breach of peace and security within the neighbourhood; and transmit same to the appropriate security agency for pre-emptive actions;

d. To engage in Peace Education, Mediation and Conflict Resolution in order to advance the cause of Peace-building, Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation in all communities in Nigeria;

e. To secure educational institutions from intruders and to combat all forms of social decadence/vices, including cultism, examination malpractices, drug abuse and prostitution, with a view to creating peaceful and conducive atmosphere for learning;

f. To serve as a reservoir and springboard of manpower for volunteerism and involvement in social and community services such as Crowd Control, Tour Guard/Guide, Emergency Relief Services, Rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons, Voters’ Registration, Election Duties, Census, Immunization, Sanitation and First Aid and;

g. To set-up a centre saddled with the responsibility of training and building the capacity of the youths in the areas of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Skill Acquisition.

Peace Corps of Nigeria ranks

The Peace Corps of Nigeria ranking system is quite different from that of the Nigerian Army, Navy and Airforce. However, the ranking system has a great similarity with that of the Nigeria Immigration Service.

Below are the ranks of the Peace Corps of Nigeria.

1. Commandant General “CG” ( 1 NPC Arm, 2 star ,1 Eagle).

2. Deputy Commandant General “DCG” (1 NPC Arm, 1 Star, 1 Eagle).

3. Assistant Commandant General “ACG” ( 1 NPC Arm, 1 NPC Bar,1 Eagle).

4. Commandant “CN” (1 NPC Arm, 1 Eagle).

5. Deputy Commandant “DCN” (1 NPC Arm, 1 Star).

6. Assistant Commandant “ACN” (1 NPC Arm).

7. Chief Superintendent “CSN” (1 Star, 1 Eagle).

8. Superintendent “SN” (1eagle).

9. Deputy Superintendent “DSN” (3 Star).

10. Assistant Superintendent I “ASN I” (2 Star).

11. Assistant Superintendent II “ASN II” (1 Star).

12. Inspector I “Inspector I” ( 3 Strip Metal Bar)

13. Inspector II “Inspector II” (2 Strip Metal Bar)

14. Inspector III “Inspector III” (1 Strip Metal Bar)

15. Corper Assistant I “ Corper I” ( 3 Strip Wool Bar)

16. Corper Assistant II “Corper II” (2 Strip Wool Bar)

17. Corper Assistant III “Corper III” (1 Strip Wool Bar)

18. Private Corper “Private” (1 Empty Wool Bar)

Peace Corps of Nigeria Membership

The membership of the Peace Corps of Nigeria in 3 categories:

  1. Permanent Staff Officers
  2. Peace Corps Volunteer
  3. Student Membership

Peace Corps of Nigeria Salary Structure

The Nigerian peace corps of Nigeria has a dedicated salary structure. Their officers are paid according to their rank. The highest-paid officer is the commandant general.

With the passage of the Nigerian peace corps bill, the Nigerian peace corps officers will earn at par with other paramilitary organisations in Nigeria.

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