According to the player’s father, Marcos Santos, the Gunners are desperate to sign the midfielder this summer. Santos told Canal do Nicola that Arsenal’s Director of Football, Raul Sanllehi, is the driving force behind the club’s bid to sign the 22-year-old.“Nobody knew about (the interest of) Arsenal, but now that I’m telling you, everyone will know,” said Santos. He went on to confirm Sanllehi’s involvement, adding that he tried to sign Gerson during his time at Barcelona. Gerson played a key role as Flamengo won the league title in Brazil and the Copa Libertadores during 2019.He has previously been linked with Tottenham Hotspur, but Arsenal appear to have stolen a march on their North London rivals.Arsenal desperately need to strengthen their midfield and Gerson appears to fit the bill in that respect.Gerson’s ball-winning ability looks ideally suited to the Premier League and he would undoubtedly be a positive acquistion for the Gunners.