Notice to National Youth Service Corps members currently away from their state of deployment

With the permission of the National Youth Service Corps, thousands of Corps members across the Nation traveled back to their various homes in a bid to stay safe from the pandemic which the country is currently staging a tough fight against.

As the Batch B1 Passing Out Parade draws near, it is important to know that Corps members who are currently away from their state of deployment are not expect to rush down for the Passing Out Parade.

Those who stayed behind in their various states of deployment will be attended to within specified dates and the certificates of those currently away will be kept safely by the National Youth Service Corps till the coast is clear enough for them to return.

Also passing out National Youth Service Corps members are advice to get their letter of non indebtedness/final clearance letter from their place of primary assignment 

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Corps members who are not part of the Batch passing out are not expect to make their way to the venues of the POP Exercise as they have no business there.

Every Corps member is expected to stay put and stay safe.